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bmi British Midland: Contract with founder Michael Bishop allowed Lufthansa to buy 50% for £229m, majority purchase confirmed 29/10/08 increasing DLH stake to 80%, to be effective 12/1/09.
Sun Country Airlines: entered Chapter 11 on 6/10/08, continuing operations. (equipment: 10 737-700/800)
Primaris Airlines: 70% purchased by CorpoPetrol Global Energy Development on 15/10/08 and filed for Chapter 11 same day to finalize agreement.
Air Atlantique: Announced 30/10/08 plan for merger with West Air Europe, Sweden - forming West Atlantic
First Choice Airways: Whole fleet transferred to Thomsonfly 9/10/08-20/10/08 (also include 12 slots for 787)
FlyAnt: Expects to restart services on 15/11/08 (equipment: 2 737-300F)
AeBal: Expects to restart services independently in 11/08. (equipment: 5 B.717s)