function hint(msg){window.status=msg;return true;}
function pp(action) {
var w=window.open('../php/go.php?action='+action,'ATDBinfo','resizable=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=700,height=600,left=100');
w.document.close(); }
function expand(obj) {
var divs=obj.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div');
function collapse(obj) {
var divs=obj.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div');
}// -->
This graph visualizes today's top 100 airlines (and some more ..), worldwide,
linked with associates through financial or commercial alliances.
Airline names are followed by count of active aircraft in fleet. Updated several times each day. - Drag around airline names to rearrange. - Double-click a node to reveal or hide the smaller airline associates. - Right-click on an airline for more options including launching its ATDB data pages. - To locate a specific airline use your browser's find command. A modern Internet browser is required. We welcome your feedbacks on this experiment !